Chapter 1: The Start of an Adventure
The sun is slowly sinking behind the large Birchwood trees and throws large shadows over a large green hill on which multiple carriages were standing and a tall man with a young blond girl walk up the hill.
As Jasmin makes her way to the carriages, her father Lucius follows behind her. He places a comforting hand on her shoulder and says, "Your mother would be so proud of you, Jasmin. You're going to do great things at Castlehaven."
Jasmin turns to her father and gives him a small smile. "Thanks, Dad. I'll make sure to make her proud."
Lucius nods, his expression turning serious. "Remember, Jasmin, to always trust your instincts and never give up. The world can be a dangerous place, but I know you'll be able to handle anything that comes your way."
Jasmin nods, feeling a sense of determination rise within her. They hug each other and Jasmin turns around walking besides the line of carriages and students while looking at them with her blue eyes while her long blond hair waves behind her in the wind.
She decides on a carriage and opens the door, inside the carriage was a young girl with long orange hair, mesmerizing green eyes and a touch of freckles on her face. She lifts her head from the book on her lap and looks at the door where Jasmin is standing and looking at her.
"Do you mind if I join you?"Jasmin asks with her warm soft voice and smiles at the girl.
"Please come in!" The girl says and glows up. "I almost thought I would have to fly all the way alone. I'm Lena, Lena Everdale." She politely shakes Jasmin's hand and smiles at her.
"Thank you! My name is Jasmin Lunaris." she response smiling and sits on the opposite bench and the two girls begin to chat excitedly about what their first year at Castlehaven might hold. Lucius watches from afar as the carriages begin to move, his heart filled with pride and a touch of sadness as he watches his daughter begin a new chapter of her life.
As the carriages made their way through the beautiful landscapes, Jasmin and Lena chatted excitedly about their hopes and dreams for their time at Castlehaven. They discussed the different classes they were excited to take and the magical creatures they hoped to encounter.
"I'm really looking forward to potions class," Lena said. "My mother is a potion maker and she's taught me a lot about it. I think I'll do pretty well in that class." Jasmin smiles "that’s good because I've never done a single potion." she confesses and looks out the window.
Jasmin couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement as she gazed out the window at the rolling hills and crystal-clear streams passing by. The sun was starting to set, casting an orange and pink glow across the sky, making everything look even more magical. Lena noticed Jasmin's gaze and looked out the window too, her eyes widening in awe. "This is incredible," Lena breathed. "I've never seen anything like it before." Jasmin smiled in agreement, feeling grateful to be able to experience such beauty with her new friend. They then pulled out their books and started studying, occasionally stopping to point out something interesting they saw outside or to ask each other questions about their studies.
As the carriages made their way floating up a winding path, Jasmin and Lena caught their first glimpse of Castlehaven. The castle loomed over them, with its high walls and turrets stretching up into the sky. The sun had set by now, and the castle was illuminated by the soft glow of hundreds of magical lanterns. Jasmin felt a sense of awe wash over her as she gazed up at the castle's many towers and halls.
Perched atop a small cliff, the castle stood as a majestic sentinel, surveying the lands below. To the left of the cliff, a breath-taking waterfall cascaded down into a crystal-clear pool, the mist from the falls creating a mesmerizing rainbow in the moonlight. The students marvelled at the beautiful scene as their carriages continued on the path, making a wide arc to the right, heading north toward the castle entrance.
Majestic trees lined the pathway, their leaves rustling softly in the gentle breeze. Jasmin and Lena exchanged excited glances, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they drew closer to their new home for the next several years. The carriages finally came to a halt at the edge of the courtyard, allowing the students to disembark and take in the full grandeur of Castlehaven.
As they entered the castle's massive gates, Jasmin and Lena were led down a long corridor lined with portraits of previous Castlehaven students. The portraits were animated, and many of them waved at Jasmin and Lena as they passed by. The corridor opened up into a grand entrance hall, with soaring ceilings and a sweeping marble staircase leading up to the upper floors.
Jasmin and Lena were greeted by a wise-looking wizard with a long beard and twinkling blue eyes. "I am Professor Alastor Evernight, Headmaster of Castlehaven." He welcomed them to the castle and gave them a brief tour of the grand hall, pointing out the various doors that led to the castle's many classrooms and halls.
As they walked through the castle, Lena and Jasmin began to bond over their shared sense of wonder and excitement. They chattered away about the magical creatures they hoped to encounter, the spells they wanted to learn, and the memories they hoped to make.
The students came to a stop in front of two massive doors leading to the grand hall, where all the other students were gathered to witness the new students' Sorting Ceremony. "Now, let me tell you about the Sorting Ceremony," the professor began.
He explained that the Sorting Ceremony involved navigating a magical Maze, which would evaluate their skills and abilities. At the end of the Maze, the crystals would glow in a specific color that represented their new house. The red crystals for Blaze, blue for Mist, green for Earth, and yellow for Storm.
Excitement and nervousness filled the air as the students were eager to find out which house, they would be sorted into. As they entered the dining hall, the room magically transformed into the Maze, with a Figure in the center representing the unity of the four houses – Mist, Blaze, Earth, and Storm.
One by one, the students were called up to enter the Maze. The paths within the Maze would change and reveal or hide based on who was walking through it. Each challenge assessed a different skill and ability, and the students were determined to do their best.
Finally, it was Jasmin's turn to face the Maze. She walked up to the entrance and began to navigate through it in order to reach a crystal at the center. The maze had four different paths, each one leading to a different coloured crystal. Jasmin kept walking and turned left when she started to see the blue glow. She knew that as soon as she touched it, she'd be in Mist. The Maze vanished, and Jasmin walked over to the Mist side of the room, taking her place among her new housemates.
Lena was up next, and she too faced the Maze with determination and skill. Jasmin watched, her eyes widening and her jaw dropping as the Maze vanished, revealing a smiling Lena with a crystal in her hands, the same shade of blue as Jasmin's. Lena looked over to the Mist side of the room and saw Jasmin smiling and waving at her. She quickly walked over to her and sat down next to her.
"I can't believe we're in the same house!" Jasmin whispered, smiling at Lena, who nodded in agreement and smiled back. They both turned their heads towards the center of the room to watch the other students complete their challenges. The Maze reappeared for each of them, and their crystals glowed in distinct colours, representing their respective houses.
As the Sorting Ceremony came to an end, Professor Alastor Evernight stood before the assembled students, his eyes filled with pride. "Congratulations to each of you on being sorted into your respective houses," he began, his voice echoing throughout the hall. "Remember, each house represents a unique set of values and strengths that make Castlehaven the diverse and vibrant community it is."
"In the house of Blaze, you will find students with passion, ambition, and determination. They strive for excellence, pushing themselves to achieve greatness. Their emblem is the fiery phoenix, symbolizing rebirth and renewal, and their colours are red and gold."
"In the house of Mist, students possess creativity, intuition, and curiosity. They explore the mystical and spiritual aspects of magic, always seeking new knowledge and expanding their abilities. Their emblem is the wise owl, representing wisdom and foresight, and their colours are blue and silver."
"In the house of Earth, patience, loyalty, and practicality are valued. Students are grounded, dependable, and have a talent for the more pragmatic aspects of magic. Their emblem is the steadfast bear, symbolizing strength and resilience, and their colours are green and brown."
"And finally, the house of Storm is known for its unpredictability, passion, and energy. Students are adventurous and impulsive, embracing the more dynamic and explosive aspects of magic. Their emblem is the fierce dragon, embodying power and intensity, and their colours are black and gold."
Professor Evernight paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. "As students of Castlehaven, you are encouraged to embrace your individuality, use your talents to their fullest, and support one another. While friendly rivalry and competition exist between the houses, remember that we are all part of the same community, united in our pursuit of knowledge and magical excellence."
With that, the professor signalled the end of the Sorting Ceremony, and the students erupted in cheers and applause, eager to begin their year at Castlehaven.
After the Sorting Ceremony was over, Amaia, a student from the House of Mist, approached Jasmin and Lena. "Congratulations, and welcome to the House of Mist," she said with a smile.
Amaia is a confident 5th year student from Mist. She stands at an average height with long, straight brown hair that falls down to her waist. Her brown eyes are sharp and observant, constantly scanning her surroundings as she moves. She carries herself with an air of confidence and poise that suggests she is used to being in control.
Amaia's features are sharp and defined, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline. She has a slender build, with long limbs that move with precision and grace. Her Mist house robes fit her perfectly, tailored to her form and giving her a sleek and polished appearance.
Despite her young age, Amaia carries herself with an air of experience and authority that suggests she is a force to be reckoned with.
Jasmin and Lena were still overjoyed to be in the same house, and they followed Amaia a long staircase upwards inside a tall tower to the Mist house common room. The room was dimly lit, with walls covered in tapestries depicting foggy landscapes and a misty pool at the center. There were also several tables and benches as well as several chairs along the wall.
"This is the common room for the House of Mist," Amaia informed them. "You can sit and relax, talk, study or play games in this room. But for sleeping, we have the dormitory where two students will be sleeping in and given how happy you two look for being in the same house, you will be thrilled to hear that you will even share the same dormitory." She smiles at Lena and Jasmin both happily looking at each other.
They followed Amaia up the wooden staircase to the top level of the tower, where the first-year dormitory was located. As they entered the dormitory, they gasped in amazement. The high roof of the room was magical, showing the night sky above them. The stars shone brightly, and the moonlight illuminated the room. The beds were made of wood and were carved with intricate designs. Each bed had a curtain for privacy, and there were two large wardrobes for them to store their belongings.
"This is amazing!" Lena exclaimed, looking around the room. Jasmin nodded in agreement.
"I can't believe we get to sleep here," she said, walking over to the window to get a closer look at the stars. "It's like we're sleeping under the stars."
Lena joined her at the window, and they both looked up at the sky in wonder. They could hear the soft sound of the wind outside, and the occasional hoot of an owl in the distance.
"I think we're going to love it here," Lena said, smiling at Jasmin. Jasmin smiled back "We sure will. Do you want to explore the castle together tomorrow?" she asks Lena. "I'd love to." she replies, feeling grateful and happy. They had made it to the House of Mist, and they had each other for company in this magical place. After wishing each other a good night they lay down in their beds and close their eyes feeling very cozy.