Chapter 6: Learning Spells Differently
As the morning sun filtered through the window, Jasmin slowly stirred awake, feeling well-rested and ready to face the day. She turned her head and saw Lena still sound asleep beside her, her chest rising and falling gently with each breath. Jasmin smiled to herself, feeling a warm feeling in her chest at the memory of their first kiss a couple of days ago. She leaned over and gave Lena a soft kiss on the forehead before gently nudging her awake.
"Good morning," Jasmin whispered, smiling as Lena stirred awake.
Lena yawned and stretched, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "Morning, Jasmin," she replied, giving her friend a warm smile.
They both got out of bed and stretched their limbs, feeling a bit stiff from sleeping in the same position for too long. Jasmin went over to the shelf and picked out her outfit for the day, a comfortable sweater and a pair of jeans, while Lena rummaged through her trunk for her own clothes.
Once they were dressed covered in the mists robe and ready, they headed out of the dormitory and made their way to the Charms classroom. As they walked, Jasmin took Lena's hand in hers, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity in their touch. They chatted amicably about their plans for the day, discussing the upcoming Herbology as well as the magical Creatures class.
As they reached the Charms classroom, Jasmin gave Lena's hand a gentle squeeze, feeling a sense of affection towards her friend. Lena smiled back at her, and they both walked into the classroom, ready to learn and practice the intricacies of spellcasting.
"Good morning students and welcome to Charms Class." Professor Mathers says and walks over to his desk.
Professor Mathers is an old and wise-looking man, with a tall and imposing figure. His piercing grey eyes seem to hold a wealth of knowledge and experience, and they gleam with a mischievous spark whenever he's about to teach a new spell. His face is adorned with a neatly trimmed grey beard that adds to his distinguished appearance. He wears long, flowing robes that are adorned with intricate patterns and symbols that indicate his expertise in charms.
Despite his stern demeanor, Professor Mathers has a warm and kind heart, and he's always willing to help his students learn and grow. He speaks with a deep, resonant voice that commands attention and respect, and he has a knack for explaining complex magical concepts in simple terms that even first-year students can understand. He walks with a confident gait that suggests he's seen and done it all, but he never fails to be impressed by his students' creativity and ingenuity.
When he teaches, Professor Mathers likes to use a variety of props and demonstrations to make the learning experience more engaging and interactive. He has a collection of ancient artifacts that he uses to illustrate the history and evolution of magic, and he's not afraid to experiment with new spells and charms to keep his students on their toes. He's a firm believer in the power of magic to bring people together and solve even the most difficult problems, and he instils this belief in his students through his passion and dedication to the craft.
"Today we will start with a simple charm, the disarming charm, anyone know the incantation?" Professor Mathers asks and looks around.
"Expelliarmus." a Blaze student from the last row says.
"Excellent! Now if someone here would like to volunteer..." Professor Mathers continues and looks at the same boy.
"All right, sure" The same Blaze student with bright red hair stands up from his seat.
He has a lean and athletic build, with broad shoulders and a confident stride that commands attention. His eyes are a striking amber color, like flames dancing in a hearth, and he has a mischievous grin that suggests he's always up for a challenge. His red and gold robes flowing behind him as he walked confidently to the front of the class.
"Thank you, Mr. Firestone, ready?" The Professor asks him.
The Blaze student, Gregor, stood before the class with his wand raised, ready to face the disarming charm and nods. Professor Mathers took a step back and pointed his wand at Gregor's outstretched hand. "Expelliarmus!" he shouted, sending a jet of red light straight at Gregor's wand. The wand flew out of Gregor's grasp and spun through the air, landing neatly in Professor Mathers' outstretched hand. The class erupted into cheers and applause as Professor Mathers handed the wand back to Gregor. "Very well done, Mr. Firestone," he said, smiling. "Now, make pairs of two and practice," Professor Mathers ordered the rest of the class, and the students began to pair up. Lena turned to Jasmin and walked a few steps away from her, and they quickly positioned themselves facing each other.
"Are you ready?" Jasmin asked Lena with a smile.
"Of course," Lena replied, holding her wand tightly in her hand.
Jasmin raised her wand and shouted, "Expelliarmus!" Lena's wand flew out of her hand and landed in Jasmin's outstretched hand.
"Hey!" Lena exclaimed, laughing. "You're good at this."
Jasmin winked and handed Lena back her wand. "Your turn," she said, and Lena stepped forward to take her aim.
"Expelliarmus!" Lena shouted, but her aim was a little off, and the spell missed Jasmin's wand.
Jasmin laughed and said, "Nice try, but you need to work on your aim."
Lena nodded and took another shot, this time hitting Jasmin's wand dead-on.
"Excellent work!" Professor Mathers called out, pleased with the students' progress. "You're all doing very well. Keep practicing and remember to keep an eye on where your wands are flying."
"You really have to be precise when aiming this Spell." Lena says and requests Jasmin to let her try it one more time.
"All right that concludes it for today. Class dismissed." Professor Mathers says.
Lena grabs Jasmin's hand and they made their way back to the common room, eager to continue their studies in the Compendium of Magical Healing. Settling onto the plush couch, they opened the tome and continued where they left the night before.
"Okay, so to cast Vulnera Sanentur, we have to visualize the wounds healing," Lena said, flipping through the pages.
Jasmin nodded in agreement. "And we have to say the incantation while performing the precise wand movement," she added.
"Right, so we have to be really focused and precise," Lena said, looking up at Jasmin.
"Maybe we can try practicing the wand movements first, to make sure we have them right," Jasmin suggested, opening the book to the chapter on Vulnera Sanentur.
"Good idea," Lena agreed, taking out her wand. They spent the next hour practicing the wand movements together, making sure their gestures were precise and fluid. They visualized in their minds how the wounds would heal as they moved their wands through the air, trying to create a clear image in their heads.
As they practiced, they began to notice that their wand movements were becoming more fluid and natural. They could almost feel the magic flowing through their wands, and the visualization of the healing process became clearer in their minds.
"We're getting better at this," Jasmin said, smiling at Lena.
"Yeah, I can feel it too," Lena agreed, a sense of excitement building inside her. "Maybe one day we'll be able to heal someone with this spell. But hopefully we don't need." she adds.
"Yeah hopefully." Jasmin agrees. "Let me get the other Book." she says while getting up and walks into their dormitory. She grabs the blue glowing pawn and turns around only to see Lena in the doorway entering their dormitory too.
"Let us continue reading here." she says in her soft voice and sits on Jasmin's bed, looking over to Jasmin who just turned the pawn back into the Book of Arcane Convergence. Jasmin smiles at her and sits down on the bed next to Lena and they open the Book and start to explore the first few pages and smaller chapters.
The book delves into topics such as advanced spellcasting, dimensional travel, and the creation of magical artifacts. It explores the underlying principles of magic and the intricate relationships between different forms of magical energy. It also contains information about powerful magical beings, such as dragons and demons, and how they can be summoned or controlled.
Another chapter dives deep into Advanced potion-making and contains detailed instructions for creating powerful potions and elixirs, as well as information about rare and exotic ingredients that can be used to enhance their effects. Lena's eyes glow up reading through this chapter while Jasmin barely even understands a single word. But she feels how excited Lena gets and lets her read the things that catch her eyes.
After ending the potion chapter Lena feels really tired and she lays her head against Jasmin's shoulder and Jasmin gently pets her head and strokes her orange hair while hovering her eyes over the next pages.
In another chapter they read about Elemental magic and it contains detailed explanations of the four classical elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and their corresponding magical properties. It also contains spells for controlling and harnessing elemental forces, as well as cautionary tales of mages who have been consumed by their own hubris in attempting to master these powerful forces.
As they continue to explore the mysterious tome, they come across a chapter that seems to allude to powerful rituals and enchantments. The instructions are shrouded in cryptic language and hidden metaphors, making it difficult to grasp the full extent of their potential. Lena, with her keen magical intuition, senses that these rituals might hold the key to profound connections between individuals, though the specifics remain unclear.
Both Lena and Jasmin are growing tired and sleepy from their intensive study session, and their ability to focus on the complex information is waning. As Lena lowers her head to rests in Jasmin's lap, they only briefly glance over the pages, taking in the intriguing concepts without delving too deep into them before Jasmin closes the book barely holding her eyes open.
Jasmin places The Tome of Arcane Convergence on the space between her bed and the window and she looked down at Lena, who was sleeping peacefully with her head on Jasmin's lap. She didn't want to disturb her, but she also wanted to get some sleep herself. Jasmin carefully moved Lena's head onto a pillow, then slowly shifted her body until she was lying down on the bed next to her. She pulled a blanket over both of them and snuggled up close to Lena, feeling her warmth and the steady rise and fall of her breathing. Jasmin closed her eyes, feeling content and safe in Lena's embrace, and soon drifted off to sleep.